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We help business owners, like you, to strengthen their business credit by adding permanent business tradelines.

Business tradelines establish permanent positive credit history to a business. Many companies rely on business credit to build the foundation of their business. Business tradelines provide the information banks use to determine whether or not to lend and how much.

Establishing positive business credit makes it much easier to get approval for a business loan, Business vehicle loans or even an equipment line of credit. In addition business tradelines can also help you get approved of larger amounts of funding.. Potential lenders always request business credit reports in the same way they request personal credit reports

These tradelines are permanent. The tradelines will report every month.

We cannot predict how much funding your business will qualify for as there are many factors that contribute to the amount of funding your business will get. However, strong business credit history is an important factor.

These tradelines post to Experian, Equifax, Dun and Bradstreet, LexisNexis and the Small Business Financial Exchange.

Business tradelines will post within 60-90 days.

The business tradelines repost 2 years of history or less if the company is less than 2 years old.


We connect people like you who are looking to increase their credit score by purchasing authorized user tradelines with people who want to sell their unused credit card spots.

An authorized user is a person who is listed on a credit account that they do not own. Being an authorized user on a credit account can help a person boost their credit score or increase their available credit. With Tradeline Associates Inc., people who want to establish or increase their credit for various purposes like signing a lease or purchasing a car can become an authorized user on another person’s credit account. Authorized users do not have the ability to access or spend on the credit account.

A credit report tradeline is simply an industry term to describe a credit account. If you have credit accounts, you therefore have tradelines. Tradelines come in the form of credit cards, lines of credit, car loans, mortgages, and payday advances. Here at Tradeline Associates Inc., we focus solely on credit card tradelines.

Credit card holders who use Tradeline Associates Inc. are everyday people with a good credit history who want to help people looking to increase their credit scores for a limited period of time. They do this by selling their tradelines.

You will need to report the line that did not post to our Customer Support department. We will review your credit report to verify that the line did not post. If you have followed all the instructions and the line is not there, you will receive a comparable tradeline or a refund.

We cannot predict how much your score can increase as many factors contribute to your credit score. However, one of the important factors is good credit history. The age of the line, limit and number of lines you buy help determine the boost you can get.

It is the address associated with the credit line. Some lines require that you add that line to your credit report by updating that address in the personal settings of your credit monitoring service 4-10 days after the statement date. This can only be done using one of these credit monitoring services: Identity IQ, CreditCheckTotal, or Experian.

The lines should report to your credit file within 7-14 days after the statement date.

The statement date is the date the credit card company reports to the credit history to the bureaus.

No, the authorized user is never given access to a credit card nor can they spend on it. Cards are sent directly to the original cardholder’s primary billing address. Authorized users will not be able to call the credit card company to access the account as they will not have the necessary security information.

Adding an authorized user is backed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and explained in most paperwork that comes with your credit card. The process itself is an option available to all credit card holders and has often been used for children, relatives, and friends. This said, we are not lawyers so we suggest consulting an attorney for further questions.

Aged Shelf Company

  • Project stability.
  • Create an image of permanence in the marketplace.
  • Access higher amounts of business credit.
  • Create an image of permanence in the marketplace.
  • Access higher amounts of business credit.
  • Access bidding opportunities.
  • Even the playing field with established competitors.
  • Start with a solid footing.
  • Landlords prefer to lease to older businesses.
  • Overcome sales objections based on the age of the company.
  • Don’t be caught at a disadvantage in starting a business with a new company.
  • A clean unused company, in good standing, and never dissolved.
  • No EIN.  That’s good.  This means the company is clean of debt and liabilities.
  • Filed Articles of Incorporation/Organization
  • Certificates of good standing
  • Registered agent service until the next year
  • Operating agreement/bylaws
  • Company resolutions. 
  • Update the name and address.